Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Length diameter ratio for laminar pods

Laminar pods need to have low length/diameter ratio to get the benefits of laminar flow. Bruce Carmichael recommends length/diameter ratio of 3.33 in his book. I accidentally found also a pdf format article from web which talks about the same thing. You can get if from here:


Here is another document about the matter:


Exo Cruiser said...

Thanks for links. Must read those.

Exo Cruiser said...

There is a very interesting book about the Pac-Car II design available:



It is using NLF body shape. Some videos of it:


Unknown said...

Thanks for your links too. And thanks for active commenting! I really appreciate it. Please others also consider comment here if you have something in your mind. Sharing your idea, opinion etc. makes this a more active blog, which is very good.